Friday, December 7, 2007

Vote for Huckabee

...or Chuck Norris will kick your ass!

(Click below to play video)

My favorite line from the video:

As soon as your endorsement came out, everything in the campaign changed... We had people who suddenly said, "He's a serious candidate." And then there were those who were just flat out afraid to not support me any more.

Well, I certainly understand why Huckabee's opponents are now "flat out afraid." We're talking about Chuck Norris, after all. But I hadn't realized that his endorsement is the decisive factor in whether a Republican candidate is "serious."

According to the Huckabee page on YouTube, there are currently a total of five of these chatty Huckabee-Norris videos. It looks like that page also has at least a zillion other pro-Huckabee campaign clips. Some or all of them are mirrored on the official Huckabee site.

Note: Just in case you couldn't tell, I'm not a Huckabee supporter. Although, in my opinion, he's the least repulsive of the top-tier Republican candidates. The fact that he's been labeled a "pro-life liberal" makes him slightly less unpalatable. So I suppose that if he does happen to get elected, I'll probably retain my American citizenship. Which is more than I can promise for some of the other Republican candidates. But his politics are still far too regressive and right-wing for my tastes.

Having said all those mean things about Mike Huckabee, I now realize I'm gonna get my ass kicked.

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