Saturday, December 15, 2007

Contempt of Congress

Yesterday's newspapers reported on the Senate Judiciary Committee's 12-7 vote to hold both Karl Rove and Josh Bolten in contempt of Congress. The two have refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas issued in the investigation of federal prosecutor firings. The vote now goes to the full Senate.

Already in the pipeline, on the House side of Congress, are similar contempt charges against Bolten and Harriet Miers. The full House is slated to vote on that matter "any time now."

Meanwhile, it was also reported that newly appointed Attorney General Michael Mukasey is refusing to help Congress investigate the destroyed CIA interrogation videos. Both the House and Senate have asked the Justice Department to turn over whatever information they have on the scandal, but Mukasey issued a statement that he won't comply. He also refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the matter.

Of course, these recent developments are only the latest in a long list of the Bush administration's attempts to subvert the Constitution. Need I remind you of signing statements, illegal wiretaps, suspension of habeas corpus, revealing Valerie Plame's identity, lying about WMD programs, and on and on and on?

Under our form of government, Congress has the right — indeed, the responsibility — to oversee the Executive branch, investigate wrongdoing, and issue subpoenas relevant to those investigations. Congress is supposed to be a co-equal branch of our federal government, but the Bush administration refuses to accept that. Has any other presidency in our history held such contempt for both Congress and the Constitution?

Americans should be outraged at the arrogance of Bush and Cheney! Why aren't we marching in the streets and storming the gates of the White House? Instead, we've grown complacent and just hope they don't do too much damage before they leave in a year. We're like battered spouses who can't cope with reality any more; after so much abuse, we've retreated inward and live in denial about how bad things really are.

When the citizens of a nation are so resigned and browbeaten and pathetic, what are the prospects for the future of their republic?

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